Lab Tour

  • The east bay in our laboratory contains our chemical inventory and various laboratory equipment.

  • The west bay in our laboratory contains our reaction fume hood, purification fume hood, glassware, and benchtop workspace.

  • Central in our laboratory is our Vac Genesis glovebox. The inert atmosphere is supplied by nitrogen dewars and is maintained with cartridge purifiers.

  • IKA rotavap for solvent evaporation

  • Buchi rotavap with chiller for solvent evaporation

  • Student workspace with group computer

  • Chemical storage freezer and cryobath with built-in stirring for running cooled reactions down to –80 °C

  • Agilent 1200 HPLC with column changer

  • Immobilized Chiralpak columns

  • Shared access to department solvent purification system

  • Reaction hood complete with IKA stir plates, nitrogen manifold, and high-vacuum

  • Biotage Selekt for automatic purification

  • Recirculating chiller for running cold reactions

  • IKA stir plates and reaction blocks for stirring cross-coupling reactions and bench stable reactions

  • Shared access to department Bruker NMR instruments (Fourier 300 and Ascend 400) with autosamplers